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Darren Lord - Complementary Therapist

  • BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Soft Tissue Therapy - Clinical & Remedial Massage

  • ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Holistic Massage (Distinction)

  • ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Sports Massage (Distinction)

  • SHA Level 1 Diploma in Foundations of Integral Sound Healing


I am currently working towards my Level 2 Diploma in Integral Sound Healing with the Sound Healing Academy.

I have also completed the following Centre of Excellence courses:

  • Sound Therapy Diploma (Distinction)

  • Master Herbalist Diploma (Distinction)

  • Crystal Therapy Diploma (Distinction)

I am a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) 

and the Institute for Soft Tissue Therapists (ISRM)

Federation of Holistic Therapists logo and 'click here' link to view member profile on their site
Logo for The Institute for Soft Tissue Therapists ISRM and link to their website
Photograph of Darren Lord Complementary Therapist

Photo by Chris Milford (CMP Photography)

My Story

Having spent several years feeling stressed, frustrated and lacking in direction, I began to try holistic treatments with the simple hope that they would make me feel better. It was then that I experienced the benefits of massage and sound therapy on my own journey towards healing. I quickly discovered a clarity, focus and sense of control that had previously been lacking and decided to train as a therapist in order to pass these benefits on to others.

I actually used to hate the idea of being massaged. My first experience was after running the 2014 London Marathon. Unfortunately, I ended up with awful cramp and got off the couch feeling worse than when I got on. With hindsight and my newfound understanding of healing modalities it seems irrational, but that experience put me off seeking treatment for several years. It wasn't until 2021 that I ventured into a treatment room again and tried a Japanese Integrated Medicine treatment. This was the breakthrough moment where I left the room feeling better than I had done for years - physically, emotionally and spiritually. Needless to say, I now regularly seek treatment.

I come from a background in music and theatre, having studied music at the University of Southampton and worked as a professional theatre musician and composer since 2001. I have always had an interest in the effect of music on the body and mind and studying sound therapy has consolidated and developed my understanding and passion for the ways in which our bodies can positively respond to sound vibrationsThere have been many scientific studies into the effects of sound on biological organisms and even in non-scientific circles people talk about "good vibes" and "bad vibes". Our understanding of the universe is increasing, particularly in the field of quantum physics, and I firmly believe that something as simple as a crystal bowl or tuning fork can have a profound effect on the body and mind.


Get in touch to make an appointment or discuss treatment options.

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